
When we talk about important minerals your body needs, we usually talk about calcium and phosphorus. But there’s another mineral that needs attention. Magnesium! Magnesium is involved in several important bodily functions. You need it for stronger bones and muscles. It even improves your mental health, focus, and memory. But we usually do not eat the amount we need. In today’s article, we’ll discuss 10 magnesium-rich foods that are super healthy for you. From dark chocolates and avocados to bananas and fish, we’ll talk about all of this or more...

10 Magnesium-Rich Foods You Need To Eat

1. Dark Chocolate

Do you love chocolates? Now you have all the more reasons to eat them. While chocolate is generally categorized as unhealthy, dark chocolate offers quite a handful of health benefits.

It is particularly rich in magnesium and antioxidants. Just 28 grams of dark chocolate gives you as much as 64 milligrams of magnesium.

This amount is enough to meet 16% of your body’s daily magnesium needs. Along with magnesium, dark chocolate also has an antioxidant named flavanol.

This particular compound reduces blood cholesterol levels in your body. It has other antioxidants as well, which reduce the chances of cell damage in your body.

You do need to make sure the dark chocolate you’re eating has at least 70% cocoa. Otherwise, it’s just empty calories. Chocolates with less than 70% cocoa are loaded with sugar.

That’s never healthy. So remember, the more cocoa you have, the healthier.

2. Avocados

This breakfast has gotten so much more popular for a reason. And that reason is that avocados are super great for your health. They’re packed with nutrition, especially healthy fatty acids and magnesium.

A medium-sized avocado comes with 58 milligrams of magnesium, which makes up 15% of your body’s daily needs. Avocados are also a great source of fiber. They’re rich in potassium and vitamin K.

Studies show eating avocados regularly decreases the chances of inflammation and improves your cholesterol level.

How can I get enough magnesium naturally?

3. Nuts

Nuts are not only tasty but also filled with nutrients. Nearly all types of nuts have shown they can improve your blood sugar levels.

When you eat one serving of cashews, you get 82 milligrams of magnesium. This is equivalent to 20% of the daily magnesium requirement for your body.

Nuts aren’t just great sources of Magnesium. They provide you with several other nutrients like selenium and omega fatty acids.

For example, eating two Brazil nuts gives you more than 100% of the selenium, you need for the day. Nuts can reduce your appetite, boost heart health, and fight inflammation.

4. Legumes

Legumes aren’t crowd-pleasers, but they are great for your health, thanks to their nutrition. You get lots of magnesium from the legume family, which consists of lentils, peas, and beans.

One cup of cooked black beans will give you 120 milligrams of magnesium, which is as much as 30% of what your body needs each day.

Legumes are also rich in proteins, which make them a great plant-based substitute to meet the protein needs of vegetarians.

They also contain a generous amount of potassium and iron. Eating legumes helps improve your overall health, as they reduce your blood cholesterol levels.

You’ll also notice a significant energy boost. If you want to keep your heart young and healthy, eat legumes!

5. Tofu

Tofu isn’t just a chicken substitute for vegans. It’s a great source of nutrients. Outside of good quality protein, you also get lots of Magnesium from it.

For those unfamiliar with tofu, you can call it a distant cousin of cottage cheese. This magnesium-rich food is prepared by pressing soybean curd to make soft white blocks of tofu.

Eating 100 grams of tofu a day gives your body 13% of the magnesium it needs to function on a daily basis. Along with magnesium, you also get a lot of calcium, iron, and selenium.

Studies have shown tofu can help reduce your risk of stomach cancer. It also protects the cells lining up in your arteries.

6. Seeds

Seeds like chia, pumpkin, and flax are a significant source of magnesium. If you eat 28 grams of pumpkin seeds, you get 150 milligrams of magnesium.

This amounts to as much as 37% of your body’s daily Magnesium requirement. These seeds are also loaded with a generous amount of iron and omega-3 fatty acids.

Whatever carbs you get from seeds are in the form of fiber. These carbs are very healthy for your body. Seeds are also packed with antioxidants, which protect your cells against damage from free radicals.

These free radicals are produced through stress, aging, and sun exposure. Studies have shown flaxseeds specifically decrease the cholesterol levels in your body.

They also help fight breast cancer. The best part about eating nuts is that you can easily make your own healthy trail mix and carry it with you.

This way, you’ll always have an option to snack healthy on the go. All you need to do is combine roasted flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, smoked pecans, and a handful of your favorite nuts. You can add a pinch of black salt for zesty flavor.

7. Whole Grains

Whole grains such as wheat, oats, and barley are often prescribed by nutritionists. Health experts swear by their wonderful health benefits.

All thanks to their nutritive value and the complex carbs they provide your body. Whole grains are packed with nutrients and fiber.

For starters, 28 grams of dry buckwheat gives you as much as 65 milligrams of magnesium, which meets 16% of what you need to function every day.

Along with being a good source of magnesium, whole grains also have significant amounts of B vitamins, selenium, and fiber.

Studies have shown whole grains can decrease inflammation in your body, while also reducing your chances of heart disease.

The best part is whole grains are gluten-free. This means you can eat them even if you have gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

Including whole grains in your diet is easier than you think. You need to switch from white bread to whole grain bread.

Instead of going for an all-purpose, flour-based pizza base, opt for a thin crust whole wheat base. These little changes in your lifestyle can bring about big changes in your health.

8. Some fatty fish

You’ll find fatty fish topping health charts everywhere. That’s because they’re an excellent source of high-quality protein, healthy fats, and magnesium.

Yes, that’s right, you get lots of magnesium from fatty fish. Especially fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and halibut, all of which have great magnesium.

Eating around 180 grams of salmon gives your body more than 50 milligrams of magnesium. This amounts to 13% of your daily magnesium needs.

The same amount of salmon gives you about 40 grams of protein as well. Fatty fish have omega-3 fatty acids. Eating fatty fish regularly reduces your chances of getting a heart attack.

Fish also have various other benefits. They give you a significant amount of potassium, selenium, and B vitamins.

9. Bananas

Bananas sure make awesome smoothies, but that’s not the only reason you should drink them. Eating one large banana gives you about 40 milligrams of magnesium.

Bananas are also a great source of potassium, which helps reduce your blood pressure. As a result, it leads to a decrease in your chances of getting heart disease.

Along with these benefits, bananas are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and fiber. The majority of carbs you get from an unripe banana is a special form of starch that is resistant to digestion.

This is actually great for your gut health, as it feeds the good bacteria in your digestive system. These good bacteria keep your system working stronger. Resistant starch also decreases your blood sugar levels and reduces inflammation.

10. Leafy greens

Kale, spinach, and other greens are rich sources of nutrients. They are super great for your health, as you get plenty of nutrients from them.

Especially magnesium! One cup of cooked spinach has 157 milligrams of magnesium in it. This means you get about 40% of the magnesium your body needs daily.

Along with the magnesium, leafy greens are rich in iron and vitamins. Eating leafy greens regularly will decrease your chances of cancer.

These wonderful veggies also protect your cells from damage. Magnesium is one part of the picture. Your body needs several other nutrients as well.



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